This bug is similar to UE-54346
I have a vector variable named MyLocation in a blueprint actor, toggle on the “show 3d wiget” of the MyLocation. It’s used as a configurable varible for world editing. But the varible name isn’t stick with the 3d wiget (the little blue wireframe diamond). It will be confusing when I have move than two configurable varibles.
I’m using a 4k monitor with 150% system DPI scale on win10. It appears that the text’s screen space coordinates are exactly 150% of the 3d widget’s screen sapce coordinates.
That’s the related staff I found:
The tweet and reported issue was posted two years ago. Any new updates?
Is there any workaround to fix that problem without changing engine’s source code? Or any alternative method to provide the abilities for artists to change the varibles both conveniently and visually.