Show 2 Different Post Processes At Once

Hello, I’ve been having an issue trying to show 2 different post processes at the same time after pressing the keys that activate each. When I toggle one post process the other goes away when I want them to display together if they are both turned on.

Here is the code to toggle my night vision post process that just brightens the exposure and turns the screen green. If I press N again with the flip flop it brings the camera back to my normal post process. But if I press H (to toggle ship ping) it clears the night vision when I want them to overlap, and I have to press N twice to turn it back on (rather than once as it should be)

Here is the code to toggle the ship ping which uses a post process material highlighting the ship outline. After a delay of 4 seconds I want the post process to go back to normal (or the night vision if it is turned on)

Here is a video showing how when my nightvision is on and I press H, it clears the nightvision when I’d like the ship ping to be showing at the same time

I’ve tried making booleans for isNightvisionOn and isPingOn that gets set to true after each is turned on, and plugging those into a branch where if true for each it shows a new post process with the nightvision and ping material combined. But if I press N after the ship is highlighted, the delay node messes things up. Please let me know if anyone has any ideas on how to fix this or if more information is needed. Thanks!

This is my attempt at fixing this with booleans for when the night vision and ping are both turned on it shows the “combined pp” which is both of the post processes I need to be shown. But this still doesn’t fully work properly, because If I press N after the ship is pinged, it will go back to the normal PP after the 4 second delay