Should you use UE5 for creating your own 2D game?
I am new to game dev. I know very little C++ and very little C#. And due to the fact I don’t know a whole lot. I wanted to start with something small (as recommended) for my first attempt at a game. So I chose to try and make a 2D game similar to that of Hollow Knight - just waaay simpler.
And this is where my issue lays… should I even been attempting this in UE5?
All the tutorials I can find online for 2D game dev, is almost exclusively Unity and sometime Godot. And looking at the VERY few 2D tutorials on the Unreal Engine. I find people have lots of issues. Such as having to check on every tick what animation is playing to make sure footstep sounds are playing at the correct time etc.
So given all this, why am I hesitant to switch to Unity then?
The reason is my IDEAL game I want to try and make is a FPS. And from everything I read online, Unreal Engine is the better choice for that. So I don’t want to spend a ton of time learning C# and how to make a 2D game just to swap to Unreal down the line and have to re learn a new Coding Language.
But maybe that’s the play? Should I just go learn Unity, make a 2D game. Then after I’ve learned a few things. Come try and make a FPS in UE5?
p.s. Sorry for the short novel. Just really puzzled on what I should do… been installing and uninstalling both game engines… but being I have no experience in either engine… I just don’t know where to start.