I have been doing stuff with UE4+Blueprints early this year and suddenly changed my path to JavaScript development I don’t remember why. Then decided my path is game development because I am having fun doing it. Now the question is, what should I do to level up? It’s clear BPs are not long term skills. (Or are they?) Then it looks like the thing to do is learning C++ (which I started) but I remembered that there is a modern language called Rust. Which people think it will take over C++'s throne. And just now, while I was searching about Rust support of Unreal Engine, I read that Epic Games is developing it’s own language for Unreal Engine called Unreal Verse. So, what should I do? What are your suggestions? Also is Rust a language easy to work with in Unreal Engine?
I recommend learning C++. It’s the only way to have full control of the engine, and being able to understand all the underlying source code is invaluable. Don’t worry about Rust. Epic aren’t just going to rewrite the whole engine in another language, it’s just not going to happen.
one thing virtually every “Should I learn…” question is missing is the most important detail: where are you trying to go?
Kinda hard for anybody to say, “this is the best way to get somewhere” if we don’t know where where is.
Anyway, presumably if you are going to be wanting to use unreal long term, it’s going to pay to understand the language it is written in. However, its a big complicated software that will take years to “learn”, so the fact that there is blueprints which offers a kindler, gentler introduction seems like a boon to me.
You are getting to grips with the engine either way but if you have no experience with programming beforehand, the extra steps of figuring out c++ syntax is 1,000 more hurdles to jump. You’ll spend extra hours trying to figure out how to say something, whereas to do same thing in blueprints you have it summarized in human friendly nodes.
as mentioned, choose one thing and stick with it until the battle has been won and you stand on the skulls of your numerous enemies, assuming you want to be good enough at it to earn money in some capacity.
Absolutely agree. I have done LOTS of things. Web development, cyber security, Py programming, web development, Py programming, UE4, Blender, WordPress, UE4&UE5&Blender, JS, Django (just 2 days ) and now preparing restart to UE5. Since I know every basics of every one of them but not able to create a project (except WordPress, I am good at it.
) I have learnt my lesson. All was a waste of time because I tried to be good at every one of them but decided I don’t like it along the way. The thing is now I am sure I don’t like other programming areas but game development. At least I won’t think “Would it be fun if I used this lang/worked on this area?” type of things.
About your answer, thanks. I already checked Rust Unreal side projects. There are lots of years old projects but none of them are production ready or install and run. Lots of tinkering and such is needed. I don’t have any time left to waste. So if there isn’t any good UE-Rust projects and if we don’t have any ideas about VERSE, I think I will go with C++ for now.
Yeah that was my thoughts too. Thanks for clarifying!
Thanks for your answer. As I mentioned in my previous reply, I have a good grab at basic and intermediate programming/coding/designing stuff. And in my main question I have already done training with BPs. So I am not scared of C++. (I know it’s going to be HARD but not that much at least for me, I think.) So I guess according to these informations you would suggest me to continue with C++, right?
you should figure out where you are trying to go first.
if it’s all just a hobby, do whatever interest you. If you are aiming for a job, “unreal dev” is not a job title. You should get specific.
Dont listen to them, just wait for Verse just like me
And just like me You’ll have enough time to learn C++ and get a programming job coding in UE D:
Obviously we’re going to use and learn C++, but we need a scripting language other than join nodes.
The problem is that the C++ framework with the unreal engine performs extremely badly. Eternal compilation times, both to create a class and to modify a simple script. Autocomplete in editors works very bad.
And there are all the bugs that creating a simple trigger can drive you crazy.
And I can tell you because I use Godot Engine with C++ and it compiles in less than a second.
I also know people who use Unigine and think the same thing, Unreal with C++ works very badly, it is poorly optimized and you can tell that Unreal people put all their effort into blueprints.
A scripting language would be a breath of fresh air for all of us who like to code in common code.