Should i use Unity or Unreal?

I am trying to decide if i will use Unreal or Unity, and i wanted to ask people that are better in it than i am. It’s Unreal Forum, so most of people here probably didn’t used Unity, but a few must have.

So, what is your personal opinion? I want to make simple games, focusing more in stylized graphics and not realistic stunning graphics and super advanced mechanics.

Also i am making it by myself, so i have to learn everything at the same time, so i fell that Unreal is a bit too complex. Maybe i just didn’t learned everything i should, and its just at the beggining, but i really don’t know and i am very undecided.

I really appreciate any help.

As a secondary source of information, why not looking on Youtube for the many videos about “Unreal vs Unity”. There is many different opinions, according to varying goals, needs, requirements and skills levels. It will help you to make your own opinion.


I watched a bunch a time ago. I will probably stay in Unreal because i really like how it works. But i wanted to have an opinion of someone that for some reason used both, and can give a more personal point of view.