Should I use Enhanced Input in UE4?

Title sums it up. I was originally using UE5 for a game I was making, but it runs very poorly on many computers so I decided to go to UE4. Although I was wondering if I should keep using Enhanced Input or if I should stick with what UE4 has.

Also I am wondering where I can find information on how to use it since my code from UE5 doesn’t seem to work in UE4.

UE doesn’t support downgrading from a (higher version to a lower version). If you are recreating the project in UE4 I would definitely dump Enhanced Input. But I personally wouldn’t use Enhanced Input even in UE5.

I am redoing my project because I made a first version in UE5 that I would like to recreate with a fresh start. But may I ask why you do not like EnhancedInput? And do you prefer the default Input system in UE4 or something else?

I prefer the old input system because:

  1. It is text based, which works well with versioning.
  2. You can read / write to ini files just like other settings do (GameUserSettings etc).
  3. It just works. Enhanced Input introduced new issues and bugs on basic functionality.
  4. It is plain data, not an attempt to program logic into plain data (enh. input assets) which is a bad practice and won’t fit every project.

To me enhanced input is a massive step back for professional use, it should have been added as an experimental optional plugin, yet it already replaced the old system. You can also forget about getting the required fixes to Enhanced Input on UE4 because EPIC doesn’t offer any LTS version or support for older versions, they just push out new versions all the time.