Should I use boxes or planes for interior walls and floors?

Should I use boxes or planes for interior walls/floors?

I understand that for lumen boxes are better for light bleed issues, and also planes are more efficient for optimisation.

If I am unsure whether I would like lumen (ie I would like to build the levels put and see at the end whether it is worthwhile having the performance drop for it), would it be best to create level walls and floors with planes or boxes do you think?

I am taking inspiration in my project from Outlast 1 and it’s focus on interior gameplay, but I noticed in their games when in noclip camera, their walls are all single sided planes. Is this due to limitations at the time of their game creation, or is this still recomended in UE5?

Realistically there is barely any concern when using a box instead of a plane.

In some scenes if you intentionally overload the tris count then it could be problematic to have some extra 10 tris on each floor tile, the chances of that being an issue though generally means something elsewhere is a problem.

That said, its not like you can have 10k tris per floor tile. You still have to make assets that make logical sense…