Should I unload a TSoftObjectPtr after loading it?

So, I’m using the Asset Manager to load a Data Asset that contains TSoftObjectPtr references to mesh assets. I load these mesh assets in my constructor to auto assign certain meshes. And I use LoadSynchronous to load the mesh and assign it. Should I unload this after I’m done assigning the mesh? If so, how to unload a loaded TSoftObjectPtr object?

Does anybody have any advice?

Check this thread Unloading Assets to Free RAM?

Thank you for the response. The post you linked, talks about unloading the asset we loaded using AssetManager. My question has nothing to do about AssetManager. I need to know if I should unload a dereferenced TSoftObjectPtr and if so, how to do it?
Apologies if my question was phrased in a confusing way. I should have perhaps not mentioned anything about the AssetManager.

You do not need to unload it manually, the dereferenced object will get garbage collected when it is no longer in use.

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