Should i go early access?

As an indie dev who isnt desperate for funding, will this option work?

Depends on if your “game” is playable. If not, then absolutely not. What Early Access is (or was mean to be) is a section of steam, that games, in late development stages, or games almost completed, should be entered in.
For Example:

You have a “Game” that is “Complete” but not polished, missing a few features, and/or not bug free. So you put it on Early Access so people get hyped for the real thing, Kinda like “a Demo you can complete”

What People have turned it into is a place where they can put forth barely started levels with few mechanics and call it a “Early Access Game” DO NOT DO THIS! This angers players (and Devs) greatly.

So before making the leap to early access have a few friends, or even random people play it. Get feedback, fix, and do that a couple of times. This gives the feedback effect of Early Access community, but without the swarm of bad recommendations over ill-completion.

Then YOU have to go over the almost completed project with a fine tooth comb and fix anything obvious.

Now put the project on early access.

P.S. be careful choosing your price…

P.S.S.If you want to do more personal research on the subject of good Early Access Projects, Look into these games…

-The Forest
-Project Zomboid
-Stranded Deep

Thanks, but im kindof scared about what i should charge for it. Is there any way to get a decent price for a game? (between 15-5€?)

And will the charge more as more content gets put in work?

Your price is up to you. If you have no clue then think about it this way, a customer is going to think “How long a play time am I going to get” What kind of Story/Replay value" “Is the game going to run well on my machine” “What is the expected future of the game”

Depending on how they answer these questions depends on how much their willing to pay.

As for the increased payment, I have no clue if, and/or how to do it.

In my opinion: every hour of work you put in VS every hour the consumer gets out of the game = the ending price.

For ex: If I put 160 hours into a game and the consumer got 6 hours out of it I would charge anything from nothing to 5$

It’s not an exact science its more of a work ratio VS How much $ you want out of the game VS What is a “Fair Price”