Should I cover all 1-1 UV space if objects are separated ?

Should I cover all 1-1 UV space ?
now as you can see its less that half

and if yes , can someone tell me why I should cover all

For each individual object as it will be in UE4 it needs to fill up the 0-1 UV space as much as possible, also it would help if you reduce the number of seams on your mesh because you don’t need to split it up that much, and you can see the small polygons on the left will be an issue if they end up thinner than a pixel, it helps if you keep small polygons attached to larger polygons.

Fill as much as possible … understood thank you

regarding small pieces of UV ,in maya it occupies 1 pixel and in UE it will be even more than 1
but you’re right that Unwrap can be better , but I just thought that deformation is worse than separation
(when I’m scaling UVs it turns to red color saying that its bigger than coresponded face)

The whole pixel snapping thing isn’t a big deal–a majority of objects won’t be rectangular so I don’t think it’s worth the trouble of trying to snap everything to pixels
for something that simple, you can unfold it with fewer seams and still avoid deformation.