I’m wondering why there’s no “Shortest Path” checkbox for the “RInterp To” node. This would be very useful. In some cases I have to use the “Lerp (Rotator)” node because the Rinterp node causes jittery results.
Is it possible to add a “Shortest Path” option to the node?
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Struggling with the same issue. Using RInterpTo without shortest path causes full turns when animating a character’s head.
I know this is a question from 2016, but i was wondering the same, so I made my own node:
FRotator UMyMathLibrary::RInterpToConstant(FRotator Current, FRotator Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed, bool bShortestPath)
// if shortest path, we use Quaternion to interpolate instead of using FRotator
if (bShortestPath)
FQuat AQuat(Current);
FQuat BQuat(Target);
FQuat Result = FMath::QInterpConstantTo(AQuat, BQuat, DeltaTime, InterpSpeed);
return Result.Rotator();
return FMath::RInterpConstantTo(Current, Target, DeltaTime, InterpSpeed);
Basically you’ve got to use Quaternions. I’m basically doing the exact same thing the RLerp node does.
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