Short movie

Hi UE4 Community!
I wanted to get your creative review this clip produced for an auto dealer in East Africa.
I know, it’s not perfect, deadlines were extremely tight and I’m a big novice in using this ultra-powerful and phenomenal engine. Fortunately Unreal 4 was there! Previously I worked on 3D Max, After Effect, Premiere … Today, I almost abandoned these tools and they have become secondary …
(I made this little film in version 4.12 preview 1, I know, it is not recommended …)

It looks really nice : )

Nice :o Keep on going!

Good job!
A tip. Try lower the reflectiveness or refraction to get rid of the sharp flickering in the windows of the car :slight_smile:

Looks great, but as a thought
The scene looks more oriented towards the animals and scenery then it is towards the vehicle/dealership.
It’s for an auto dealership, (and the Toyota) so having some tight closeups of the vehicle will help bring that point across.
(Even a shot of the vehicle with the camera mounted while it’s driving - GoPro style)
You may also need to remove the PipBoy character from Fallout from that sign, as it’s more then likely breaking some I.P laws :S
Keep at it though, It’s looking good!