Short film 3D _ horror sewers

I’m sorry for the double post, but I can’t find the first one I made at the end of February. I give you permission to delete the page created on that date, titled, CGI animated 3D “Horror Sewers”. Forgive me
I can’t put my video from my YouTube channel, the forum only puts the link in the overlay, is this normal?

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(post deleted by author)

Police Captain Donovan, it is he who entrusts the investigation mission to Connelly

Hi there @musicolart,

Hope you’re well :slight_smile:

Just popping in to give a bit of support on your character designs so far. I’m stoked to see the final product :smiley: Got any “lore” you can share for now?

Thank you for your encouragement Panda. I am totally taken up by this short film and as I am alone without much means it takes time. I have a link on this page which leads to the first scene, I am waiting for critiques especially on the literal translation in subtitle, but also on the animation and the graphics. We other creatives are alone and when we have comments and especially praise it motivates us.
With pleasure…

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Detective John Connelly is up against the devil in the sewers who is trying to infiltrate the city where vice, lust and violence reign
first scene of the short film
Synosys: Detective John Connelly is up against the devil in the sewers who is trying to infiltrate the city where vice, lust and violence reign

No worries about the double post! It happens. If the forum allows, the moderators should be able to delete the older page for you. As for YouTube videos, some forums only display the link instead of embedding the video directly. You might want to check if there’s a BBCode or an option to enable video embedding.

By the way, if you’re looking for a great way to stream live TV and on-demand content, MagisTV is a fantastic choice with free access and no registration required!

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I thank you for these clarifications
Captain Donovan puts pressure on Connelly to agree to this sewer investigation.