Shooting projectiles in random directions when mouse cursor overlaps player?

I’ve attempted to do this in many different ways but to no Avail The projectile usually hits the ground underneath the player I’m currently using a slightly modified Twin Stick shooter template if that helps.

Can you show your projectile code?

EDIT: Having typed that, I’m already wondering about the collision of anything you may have added to the pawn…

Sure and to answer your question no other collision was added to the base pawn apart from a different SM.

The projectile usually hits the ground
underneath the player

Get Hit Result Under Cursor hits the floor - so you’re attempting to shoot at the floor. Either add Z offset to the hit location or use a method that does not revolve around getting hits from level geometry:

In your case you’d use 0,0,1 as Normal and place the plane at gun height.

But to be honest, it all depends how you want it to work. Do we always shoot at the same level? What if the enemy is higher / lower than us?

It was that easy…well then…I appreciate the help