Shooting inside a blueprint building

Hi all, I can’t shoot in the house space when I am inside a building which is a blueprint composed of multiple static meshes. There seems to be a wall in front of the weapon that doesn’t make it hit the approaching entities while if I go outside I can hit anyone.

These are the building collisions

These are the collisions of the projectile

Here is a video of the problem

I cannot understand what the problem is. I am using UE 4.27

Print what you hit. Then we’ll know what is up. Do tell, I’m curious.

Uhmmm, how do you do it? :sweat_smile:

Does nobody know how to help me?

You fire some kind of projectile, right? Use its on hit event and print the display name of the component it hits.

If you use a linetrace, it also spits out hit component.

I am hitting the blueprint of the house where I am currently:

It’s a matter of adjusting collision settings of the mesh and / or configuring the channels you’re tracing on:

Judging by the message printed, the building is modular and made out of many elements. is that correct? Do double check the collision settings of what you’re hitting. And the collision volumes of the assets.

You can visualise the collision with a command:


Yes, that’s correct.

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