Hello, I’m working on a small game project for class. It’s a simple FPS platformer (using Unreal’s default FPS setup) where you have to shoot a button on a wall to open a door to get to the end. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make it so that when the projectile hits the button, it will trigger the door to open (think of shooting one of those eye targets The Legend of Zelda games to get a door to open), but I cannot seem to figure it out. Does anyone have any idea on how to accomplish this?
Here’s a tutorial on how to make a door open.
It's for opening a door when walking into a trigger. However, the logic for doing it with a bullet triggering a button instead would practically be the same.So the video should give you a general idea on how to do it.If you have any doubts on the specifics while doing it, I’ll be glad to answer!
The video there explains it well on how to create a door. If you have the door open/close blueprint all setup (make it a function you can call), then setting it up wont be hard. I would go about it by setting up a trigger box in front of the button in the level. Then in your level Blueprint, create a event on collision with the trigger box and cast it to your projectile or whatever it is you are using to trigger the door. Set that event to call the function to open your door from your door bp.
It seemed to work it seems that I was on the right track but I was going about it completely different. Thank you so much!