Shooter Procedural Aiming - support thread

Project updated (see change log)

I’m trying to make AIM animation stop when I start my sprint animation. if you could help I would appreciate it.

Yes, simply set ‘IsAiming’ to false when you start sprinting (‘IsAiming’ resides in the anim blueprint).

I’ve tried a few things. Is this the correction location?

No, turn IsAiming to false when you sprint…

This is how i fixed sprinting to aim but cant fix aim to sprint if that makes sense
so if you sprint and ADS then walk speed is set to 400. At the moment though if you ADS then sprint walk speed will go to max of 800 and sprint animation will start
What do you mean by turn?

Aiming Fixes - #26 Creating A First Person Shooter (FPS) With Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube so this video at 5:40 is whats happening his solution doesnt work or i dont know how to use his solution one. But thank you for all the help you have helped way more then you probably should have to be honest.

If your project has sprint, then somewhere you have a node named “Sprint” or something like that that gets activated when you press your sprint key, right? Then right after that node, place a “Set IsAiming” node like below, this will set IsAiming to false:


If you hide the head bone its not possible to use Procedual aiming, how do you combat this issue? with true FPS

The Procedural Aiming aligns the sights to the camera which is attached to the head bone, in the case of true first person. Because of that, the camera doesn’t change position in relation to the head bone and thus the code only grabs the camera position once at the start, instead of every frame.

If you don’t attach the camera to the bone anymore (which is what you’re doing, right?), then you’ll need to grab the position of the camera every frame (or tick) so you can align the sights to it. You’ll also need to change the space, since we were using the head bone space originally but now you’ll need to use world space.

Ok but is worldspace not super slow? i had experience with FABRIK that the ik bone will be lagging behind.

In my experience spaces never caused bones to lag behind, I’ve used several different spaces including world space and they never caused any lag. What causes lag in my experience is grabbing bone position in the event graph and using it to feed the anim graph. There’s a one frame difference between the two and this will cause a one frame lag, no matter how fast your PC is…

Dude we need a tutorial to fix this issue in ALSv4

Hello @GPX ! Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of experience in ALS…

plz try to figure out solve it if u do it you will have more customers you can do it dude your work is great

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How can I merge this to my project and use it in my own character and weapon?

Hello, you can use the code marked with green comment boxes in the included blueprints: gun blueprint, character blueprint and anim blueprint. The code marked with transparent comment boxes isn’t essential. The comment boxes also have text indicating where that piece of code should be placed.

Hi Peace,

Just playing around with this plugin now and all seems great. Just struggling with the left hand IK. Apologies if I missed it but left hand IK isn’t included in this plugin right?

I’m trying to align the left hand with the gun in the normal animation poses and consequently the ads as the hand floats off to the left at the moment.

Just wanted to check before I go ahead with left hand Ik tutorials to avoid disrupting anything the plugin relies on already.


Hi Justin,

There is left hand IK in the anim bp of this project, it was setup to make the left hand move when the right hand (that holds the gun) moves, making sure that when your right hand is brought up for aiming, the left hand will follow and not look like it separated from the gun.

I guess what some people sometimes make confusion is the fact that it doesn’t have a target on the gun for the left hand, the spot on the gun is dictated by the anim sequence that you’re using. The IK setup here only keeps the left hand on the same spot relative to the right hand while you move the gun to aim.

But if you want to change this spot, you can add one TransformBone node to the anim graph and adjust it’s Translation and Rotation:

Hi there, I purchased this asset this morning and have been trying all day to integrate it with my project but just keep running into errors. Is there a discord where I can talk with the creator? I am willing to pay for consulting at this point…

Hello, I received your email and I’ll contact you via Discord soon. I don’t do paid consulting, but I do help understanding how the asset works if users need help. Thank you for your contact!