Shooter Game voice chat over the network?

I got to the point where I can here myself talk through my headset on my machine, but I can’t talk to my friend on his machine. How would I go about getting that to work?

Afaik, ue4 has VoIP support but its steam only. If you want a non-steam version you have to create your own solution. I’d recommend to look at the Opus Codec.

I did come across the Opus Codec, but I don’t know how to go about integrating that into the Shooter Game project. Is the Opus Codec already inside the engine, or would I have to integrate it myself?

Have to integrate it yourself, I don’t think Opus is an Integrated partner

So to add opus into my project, would I have add the existing opus libraries from the unreal engine third party folder? Or create my own?

If I recall correctly, OPUS is the codec used for VOIP already. If I continue to recall correctly, Steam P2P is the part used to transmit the data from one client to another client. The other portions of Steam VOIP aren’t used.

So, do you use Opus as voip solusion finally.

Now, I find some libraries about Opus in Unreal Engine. The path is “\Epic Games\4.12\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\libOpus”.

And i find FVoiceModule API in

There is a answerhub about Opuc Codec

Unfortunately, I still find no way to implement voice chat ,especially, group voice chat. I just make all player voice communication come true by set .ini about steam, which is not what i want.

Voip is not only for Steam but you have to implement the OnlineSubsystem and have active session setup in order to have the VOIP working. People have succeed in implementing it, look in the forum to get some “hint”.

I think you can look at UT4, they set it up at some point, not sure if it’s still active.