Shooter game thrusts to the left instead of forward

The issue I am having is with my airplane pulls to the left as if gravity is pulling it towards the left. Because I am a new user I cannot upload a video of what is going on. It seems to thrust to the left instead of forward. Could this have to do with the input of controls or gravity control?

Maybe you’re applying a local vector on some component that expects a world-space vector (or vice versa)?

Where might I find such vector? Would it be in the flying anim BP?

The answer to that is likely to be specific to your particular project; how is it, exactly, that you’re moving your airplane?

Basically, follow the flow of your project’s logic from “input was accepted” all the way through to “the pawn being controlled is moving in some direction”. Where is the input being turned into actual movement? Is there anything other than player input that’s being used to drive the pawn?

Additional things that might help track it down are knowing what you mean by “pulls to the left”. Is the airpline still traveling forward and just banking leftwards like it’s stuck in a turn? Is it that you accelerate and the plane moves sideways to the left like it was strafing? Etc.

If you look at those questions and walk through the logic of your game project to see where that might be introduced, it may help you figure out where things went wrong.

Beyond that, folks are probably going to need more info to help track it down; without anything more to go on, all that anyone will likely be able to suggest are the very generic (but also, fairly frequent) easily-made mistakes that show up in early projects. (Like jwatte’s suggestion about world vs local.)

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Thank you Packet Dancer, could I email you the screen recording of what is going on? The Plane from the start pulls left. when I press forward it will go forward but the nose of plane goes down and continues towards the left.

I mean, I can try to take a look, but the video alone is quite probably not enough to know where things have gone wrong.

I really do strongly recommend walking through your game logic step by step, starting with “I receive player input here” and down through adding movement to the plane (and potentially the animation blueprint, though I admit that seems less likely with an airplane). For one thing, it stands a good chance of finding what’s wrong, but moreover it will also be excellent practice at following your game’s flow; this will doubtless not be the only error you ever encounter, and likely not the only time you need to track down where in all the different pieces the problem is.