Shooter GAME Multiplayer Problem

Hi all, i have tried to set up a Online connection with SHOOTER GAME by Epic Games, between my PC and my friend PC, problem is that i Can’t see any LOBBY , and my friend can’t see my lobby if a hosting new lobby.

Whats wrong with that?

ok just wrong probably for same question.
Thanks for reply

Hi VipAnderson,

ShooterGame uses a SteamDevAppID of 212960, which isn’t a publicly available appID. For testing, you’ll want to use Steam’s public 480 appID. Go to project’s Config folder and open DefaultEngine.ini file. There, search for “SteamDevAppId=” and change number to 480. Save and close, then open project and repackage as a Development build.

Next, make sure both host and client have Steam running. Without this, Steam OSS won’t function. You should be able to find each other now. Let us know if you still have trouble connecting after making this changes.