Shooter game example "hard-coded"

Hello @anonymous_user_1f36ec71 :slight_smile:

Before you read my reply, I would like to make clear, that it represents my personal opinion. It is totally fine, if you don’t agree ! :slight_smile:

A big no; Some things are wasted time, to implement in C++.
Both C++ & Blueprints can work in wonderful symbiosis.

But for that, you’ll be in need for a feeling, what is better done in C++ rather than Blueprints or vice versa.

I suggest this Video by Alex Forsythe
Blueprints vs. C++: How They Fit Together and Why You Should Use Both

The main focus is on actions, meant to be run in a tick, algebra operations or custom implementations (E.g Steam / Discord API)

I’m curious, how were you able to get started in coding?
I’m facing frustrating problems with my IDE (Visual Studio)
Syntax Highlighting & Code Completion not working.

Maybe you even wanna consider, my post on how I feel about it:
Horrible C++ IDE Integration & Newcomer Support

Best regards