Shooter Game Bot Event Graph

I am quite new to unreal but have a pretty decent understanding of things thus far. I am using the shooter game example content to build some things. I made a duplicate of the BotPawn and put my own skeletal mesh on it and made my own AI and Animations. Now i am trying to figure out how to make it take damage. I know that the Bot pawn can take damage, and i figured because I used its blueprint that it would inherit its properties, except for the things that i changed, Mesh and AI and Animations. I have created a custom event graph for my custom pawn so i figured i would just look at the Bot Pawn Event graph as an example to help me construct what my characters events should be. But the Event graph on the Bot Pawn is blank. Now, i understand that it is probably inherited somehow, but how? How can i look at it? Does anyone know a better way to make my custom bot take damage like the sample bot? All the Inherited variables are there, but without knowing exactly how it was put together originally, its almost impossible to piece together. ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED…

If you are talking about the shooter game demo take a look at the C++ code.