Shoot at one pawn, destroys a different pawn

Howdy there!

I’m having an issue with destroying NPCs that I shoot at. What is happening is I’m spawning lots of NPC characters one at a time and I’ll let it run to about 20-30 spawned NPCs. I have them set to destroy themselves once they are hit with the projectile coming from the weapon. However when I shoot at one NPC a different NPC is destroyed.

I’m learning how to use arrays right now hoping this will solve the problem as I’m guessing the game just doesn’t know which pawn to destroy since its all the same thing being spawned over and over. BUT if anyone would like to point me in the right direction I’d appreciate it :smiley: haha

Can you share your Blueprints with us … it is difficult to help you troubleshoot the problem without seeing what you are doing. 8-}

I thought I included them with the first post but I guess I didn’t haha. I have a behavior tree that controls the NPC’s movements but here they are:
Edit: The Event Hit blueprint is in the NPC’s blueprint and the spawn actor blueprint is a Sphere Blueprint.



The Orange Blueprint with the ‘Event Hit’ node is being fired from the NPC Blueprint. The uncolored Blueprint is a Sphere Trigger that I turned into its own Blueprint and it fires within itself when the game is started.

EDIT: I’m using 4.6 if that matters in this.

I’m not sure how to find out how fast its going. However I do know I never messed with the default speed so probably not much different from what you see in 4.7 because I’m using the FPS Template. There is no bouncing because I took the ‘Add Impulse’ code that comes in the MyProjectile comes with. I have not tried cooking actually and I’ve never heard of AMI (but I’ll look it up :D)

Alrighty so I tried AMI and cooking the project and they both gave me the same results. As for the projectile speed, the print string gave me: X=317.343 Y=2845.227 Z=896.648 (I really need to start using Print Strings more).

I’ll send you a PM right now.