Shipyard: Shuttle Modular Space Ships

Im happy to announce my latest marketplace asset, Shipyard: Shuttles!

Here is the link: Shipyard: Shuttle in Props - UE Marketplace

My goal for shipyard is to bring developers customizable space ships with full interiors to their projects. I am currently working on Star fighters next as well as larger cruisers. Eventually I’d like to try my hand at frigates and maybe even capital ships with full interiors. Not only are there a ton of assets for customization, but with the way meshes are set up, you will be able to use your own materials and assets to increase the amount of possibilities! You can even use the freebies included for other areas such as sci-fi outposts or buildings!

That won’t be for a while yet, first on the list is Star fighters of course and I will have progress photos up on my YouTube channel which is linked in the product page.

Let me know what you’d like to see and if there are specific updates you want!