Hello, I tried my game on many apple devices and it works fine. However, launching it on Testflight crashes after splash screen. Here is my crash log if you can help me with this. link text
Can you run it attached to a Mac with Xcode running and look in the log in the Devices window?
That crash log is not helpful
Can you explain how to do that? I am not a mac user
I think I got it. link text
That’s it!
The error is:
Apr 2 18:50:13 iPhone UE4Game[288] : LowLevelFatalError [File:/Users/build/BuildFarm/build_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/GlobalShader.cpp] [Line: 219]
Missing global shader FPostProcessUpscalePS1, Please make sure cooking was successful.
I’m not sure what’s happening there, or why Shipping is different than Development… Next time you cook, I suggest you go into ConsoleVariables.ini and turn on r.ShaderDevelopmentMode (or whatever it’s called, not with code now). Then if there are any shader errors, it will tell you then instead of waiting.
I turned on r.ShaderDevelopmentMode. Where should I see the errors? I cooked the package again and the build was successful.
The errors would be pop up dialogs during cooking. You can’t miss them. Do you see any errors while cooking?
You sure that running Shipping vs Development has different errors with the shader stuff? I don’t see how it could…
So, the code of interest is here:
class FPostProcessUpscalePS : public FGlobalShader
DECLARE_SHADER_TYPE(FPostProcessUpscalePS, Global);
static bool ShouldCache(EShaderPlatform Platform)
// Always allow simple bilinear upscale. (Provides upscaling for ES2 emulation)
if (Method == 1)
return true;
That is saying that with Method 1 (which you are seeing with FPostProcessUpscalePS1), it’s always going to be cached, so the offline compiler and runtime will both try to use it. So, it should never be not in your global shader cache, unless it fails to compile… Not entirely helpful, because I’m just saying “well it should work”, but it may help provide some context
Well, I don’t know if I changed anything before but, I installed the engine again, and now my app works thank you very much. I did not see any errors during cooking. the only problem I have now is some foliage does not show up on device.
the stones on the edge of the road are missing. I did not have this on development.