Shipping game takes a lot of time to start

My game when packaged as “shipping” takes more that twice the time to start than when I start it unpackaged (“development editor” run as standalone with -game command line).

Overall in shipping it takes about 55 seconds to start on my pc, it is not on a ssd but as I said it is much better in development.
Startup time does not change even with repeated runs.
The startup level is very small, it has about 10 meshes/particles, which use very small textures.

On the other hand, in shipping it is much faster at loading levels (I checked textures and those used in levels are almost all streamed).

I activated log writing in shipping and I see that a lot of time is spent at this point:

[2018.02.17-17.28.46:618][  0]LogInit: Texture streaming: Enabled
[2018.02.17-17.29.08:116][  0]LogInit: Display: Game Engine Initialized.

Can someone give advice to reduce startup time?

Here is the full log:


I have a similar problem only that here it takes about 2-3 minutes (time logged exactly where it shows in your log file). Initial level is bigger and the project has over 10.000 assets but this used to be a lot better and it doesn’t happen in when running in editor. Using 4.17 but not sure if this was better with lower versions.