Shipping Build Crashes on Startup [Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000]

For one of our players the build keeps crashing every time he tries to start the game with the Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000 error.

I believe that means that it’s trying to read a null address, however I don’t know what could cause this especially since the game runs fine for most other users and I can’t reproduce the issue.
Also never have this issue in the editor.

We’re using UE 4.25.4.
I made multiple adjustments to the build like spawning on different maps, resetting saves but nothing seems to work. However when I had him play a build of the game we made 6 months ago there weren’t any issues. This means some of the changes we did over the last 6 months caused this, which doesn’t really narrow it down much…
It’s a VR game and he is using a Valve Index headset. On my end everything works fine with the htc vive and oculus quest.

The crash happens every single time on startup. If he turns off steam vr first and starts the game that way he can play it in desktop mode, however if he turns on steam vr then the game just keeps on running in desktop mode and doesn’t show on the Head Mounted Device.

I got Ue4Minidump.dmp files from the user, however I’m not quite sure how to analyze them and if it would even help get closer to the root of the problem.
I’d appreciate any advice or help.

`Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000


Solved this.

In our case it was due to using the Add Loading Splash Screen node.
It was not crucial for our project so I just deleted it.
It was a VR project so this will probably not be the cause for most other people facing this issue.

Please help…
I have the same problem, but the different is I myself is the player, are there any solution to fix this problem as a player of the game? (I have no experience with game development). All my friends can run the game smoothly without any problem, It’s seems only I get this problem on my circle.