SHipping Build Build System


I have been following this wiki thread: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums
and it works great so far. But when I switched to ‘Shipping Build’, there are linking errors as if the <Project>.build.cs is not invoked.
Any ideas?

Here is the update…
I have noticed the following link error messages are slightly difference between ‘Shipping’ and ‘Development’:-


You can see, the function name is mangled in the shipping mode, whereas it is unchanged in development mode. So what gives the different linking ‘flavor’ between those two build configurations? Everything is the same - header file has the ‘extern C’ block which doesn’t have directive #if between any configuration.

Anyone?? I have to solve this asap…

Hello Syed,

Could you make a post about this issue on the Answerhub under the Packaging and Deployment section? When making the post, can you post the logs from when you attempt to package? Also, have you been able to package successfully on any configuration thus far? Can you also see if this issue happens in a fresh C++ project? Please include that information in your Answerhub post and we’ll try to help you as soon as possible.