Thanks, I actually have a procedure that now works.
As follows will not require rebuilding the mesh or textures. it simple transposes everything perfectly to the correct gps coordinates.
Create a single GCP somewhere that is easy to visually match to a point on satellite, or google earth
Get the GPS coordinates that this GCP should have from google earth, satellite, etc.
Set the coordinates of the GCP to match the real-world coordinates. Once this GCP has GPS data it will show the error tail.
I then use my custom export format to export the single GCP (be sure to use project outpu for the projection). This GCP will be exported with lon, lat, alt, actualLon, actualLat, and actualAlt, and finally lon-actualLon, lat-actualLat, alt-actualAlt (last 3 are all that is required - the offset, however the extra data is good for troubleshooting)
I export then the camera registration using another custom format with lon, lat, alt, yaw, pitch, roll
I wrote a python script to process all points from the registration file and move them per the reference GPC transpose.
Once all the cameras have been shifted import the adjusted csv file as “flight log” this moves the camera and zeroes their error.
to get the GCP to move to the correct location, select the component, and click Alignment Update. All mesh and texture is un-touched, only the reference coordinate system moves.
NOTE: if you want to re-run the alignment, it’s best to disable the GCP since your cameras are in relatively perfect alignment. IT’s one of those situations where a tiny error between camera positions and the GCP can cause things to wiggle or break.
… but that’s it. once the cameras are correctly where they are supposed to be, the model is moved in GPS coordinates.
it is worth noting, if you export the 3D Model it will not actually move the Euclidean coordinates. the Grid projection 0,0,0 is relative to the reconstruction bounding box if I’m not mistaken.
But if you e
so: create a GCP, enter real world coords, export the vector that point is shifted. export the registration data, adjust all camera locations/registration, re-import. update alignment.
these are NEW export formats. They have unique UUID codes I generated. descID=“” eliminated the localizations. Which, if you’re replacing another export format is good to know so YOUR description doesn’t get replaced by the localization ui.xml.
I named them (USER) to make them much easier to spot in the long list of similar export formats.
Capturing Reality\RealityCapture\flightlogs.xml
- importer for flight logs using lon, lat, alt, yaw, pitch, roll
<format id="{4D6B0719-650E-48AC-ACEF-F7C5A42F96EB}" descID="" desc="(USER)name,lon,lat,alt,yaw,pitch,roll" reader="CapturingReality.Import.CSVFlightLog">
<parser allowedSeparators=",; &tab;" comment="#" showIgnoreFirstline="true" qualifiers=""optional">
<Image index="0" format="name.ext"/>
<Longitude index="1" format="degrees"/>
<Latitude index="2" format="degrees"/>
<Altitude index="3" format="value"/>
<Yaw index="4" format="value"/>
<Pitch index="5" format="value"/>
<Roll index="6" format="value"/>
Capturing Reality\RealityCapture\calibration.xml
export format for camera registration using lon, lat, alt, yaw, pitch, roll
<format id="{2A60DDA7-8B23-427D-8C74-8420BBD0FD26}" mask="*.csv" descID="" desc="(USER)Comma separated, Name, Lon, Lat, Alt, Heading, Pitch, Roll" writer="cvs" requiresGeoref="1" requires="component">
<body EulerFormat="zyx">#cameras $(cameraCount)
Capturing Reality\RealityCapture\controlpoints.xml
GCP export format, lon, lat, alt, actualLon, actualLat, actualAlt, lon-actualLon, lat-actualLat, alt-actualAlt
technically the only 3 bits needed are the last 3 which are delta lon, delta lat, and delta alt.
note: $(lat-actualLat) for example - you can do math on exporting!!! that’s cool. I WISH there was an import/export parameter API published.
<format id="{8A97FD68-67BA-4678-B152-7DA028C4CF70}" mask="*.csv" descID="" desc="(USER)Comma Sep, ,name, map(lon,lat,alt), model(lon,lat,alt), vector(dLon, dLat, dAlt)" writer="CapturingReality.Export.ControlPoints" specificCoordSystem="1">
$ExportControlPoints($If( isGroundControl,$EscapeSpaces($(name)),$(lon:f),$(lat:f),$(alt:f),$(actualLon:f),$(actualLat:f),$(actualAlt:f),$(lon - actualLon),$(lat - actualLat),$(alt - actualAlt)
If there’s interest I could make a repository on github with the python but it’s gross just hacked together to get the job done for ~10 or so sites (well actually I’ll be using it in perpetuity. that said - I REALLY wish we could just enter the offsets and click a button and the gps coords would update to match the “real-world” singular gps coordinate.
note I never had to reconstruct meshes or etc. it’s just transposing the coordinate system.