if you see some posts above the comment from @.Bunner states “landscape compatibility isn’t something that’s been directly targeted for this preview version but is something we’ll aim to address for the first release”. this tells me it was actually a wanted thing from the development side, and really the usage of Material Layers seems such a good use case on Landscapes that it was only natural to hope for the feature
So if it’s production ready in 4.26, is it generally stable and working now? What downsides are there to using the new system? Does it allow runtime parameter changes like MID? What’s the performance like?
Just trying to get an idea of the state of things, since I haven’t been following this feature since its initial removal.
I have a question in regards to how the material layering system works with the material analyzer. My idea was create a Master Material Layer with some logic and parameters, then create several layer instances with the values tweaked. Then, in a regular material instance I use those layers instances in the stack. But when I analyze the instances from the master material, the analyzer suggests re-parenting materials, because the stack is the same, even though the parameters values are different. Is this expected behaviour? Should my idea not be encouraged to in order to reduce identical permutations?
btw: Cyberpunk texturing workflow. Its exactly the same as Far Cry 5 (like i posted before), Last of Us 2 and i think even same as Days Gone (ue) and almost the same as GOW 4/5, Paragon, The Order 1886, Battlefield, last AC and Breakpoint and much more (they have not microblending mask - same as landscape blending - rgb color+mask). I made same pipeline in unreal in my last job on UE4 and it worked fine. But they migrated to inhouse engine and in UE its still experimental feature and looks like Epic left it in dark… So i step back from this personally after more than year. But its nonsense to make 8k original textures in theese days (you still need better and better texel result in bigger resolution - for examle if you need to make large cargo military plane for fps…)
But if there will be better support, I highly recommend it (time and memory saving, better and fastest optimizations (for example FC5 gdc), better and easiest art direction - more unified grafical result, even with outsourcers and much more.