i currently have the “w” key assigned to movement input in level blueprint which makes the character move forward I also wanted to use the w key for an animation to play while the character moves forward the animation doesn’t work but the character does move forward assigning the animation to another key does work any way around this?
controls should be exclusively in a Player Controller BP, implement your W-key functions there and use a Sequence node or just string everything together after another.
If this is for the player’s character movement then you should definitely handle the movement input in the pawn/character or player controller.
The animation should be handled in the Animation Blueprint for your Skeletal Mesh component.
This system works by the input moving the pawn. After each update the animation blueprint will run. In the Animation blueprint you can handle getting the velocity and blending animation accordingly. There are a ton of examples throughout Epic’s learning content and the internet on this relationship. This way you get the same controls in any level.
If this is not your intention, and this is not the player’s character then we can figure out something different with a little more background info provided.
edit: Meant to mention that as Mopperl mentioned you can stack input by just calling the functionality one after another from the single input. Typically I would sort different functionality into functions to make it less messy and more usable. Sequence nodes can be used to make the code easier to read/separate.
thanks for your replies guys it works now thanks.