I am making a modified random maze generator that I want to work in two floors. So far I have two blueprints that basically spawn on top of each other, but I want to allow a random connection to go up/down. My idea was to have the bottom floor run first with a random chance of going up, and have the top floor check whether the array from the bottom floor has an “up” connection to determine that it should thus have a “down” connection. As I’ve found, sharing an array like this isn’t possible. What is the best way to share this type of information between the blueprints?
Thanks in advance!
You could pass information to the second (or more) floors on Spawn, you can check the BP and based on the condition that the current floor youre generating (first floor) has an up connection Spawn the next floor. You then can pass just the position of the up connection to the next floor so you know which index is the up (stairs).
Cool, how does one do this exactly? Maybe a video on this sort of thing I can watch? Thank you!
Well its actually fairly simple.
I would like to make videos, Ive considered it but there are that many out there already Im worried they would just get lost in the crowd. Its really hard to find the exact topic youre after and especially not to a high quality all the time. I have my favourites and there are most certainly plenty of learning materials on this topic from Epic and third parties all across the internet if you want more.