Sharing a project


Is there any BKM to share whole example project for forum questions?

Instead explaining some issues it is often much easier to create new, clean project, create minimal repro for the problem, that would let someone to see it, maybe do some debug around, compile and test on different configuration etc.

So two questions:

  1. is there better way to pack a project then “file->zip project”?
    I guess not, but we could dream about something that would create only some diff between base project (like “Third person game”), with Fab assets included as links etc :slight_smile:
    Because raw TPP game is ~300MB zip file (mostly because manequin asset)
    Way better is to use “Blank Game” that is only few kilobytes.

  2. how to share this .zip file? Any recommended way of hosting (of course preferably free), that would not disappear? There is no worse thing to find on any forum than good discussion in interesting topic with dead links all around :slight_smile:
    Maybe unreal forum could host such files (at least small) for such purposes.

Maybe other ideas? Put example project into github? Other way? Other idea?

Github, gitlab.

And i think you should not share uncooked fab assets (unless they are free from epic, then you can use them with unreal projects).

That is why it is best to develop prototype with minimal assets.

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