Error with asm2wasm for html5 compiling
LogPlayLevel: Building 2 actions with 8 processes...
LogPlayLevel: [1/2] HoN_testing.js
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "parse arguments and setup" took 5.45 seconds
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "bitcodeize inputs" took 0.00 seconds
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "process inputs" took 0.00 seconds
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "calculate system libraries" took 66.97 seconds
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: NOTE: linking HTML5 project -- this takes at least 7 minutes (and up to 20 minutes on older machines) to complete.
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: we are workig with the Emscripten makers to speed this up.
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "link" took 5.47 seconds
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "post-link" took 126.71 seconds
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "emscript (llvm => executable code)" took 145.29 seconds
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "source transforms" took 0.00 seconds
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "memory initializer" took 14.20 seconds
LogPlayLevel: emcc:INFO: emcc step "js opts" took 0.00 seconds
LogPlayLevel: Error: shared:ERROR: 'D:\UE4\UE_4.23\Engine\Extras\ThirdPartyNotUE\emsdk\Win64\clang\e1.38.31_64bit\binaryen\bin\asm2wasm C:\Users\proff\Documents\Unreal Projects\HoN_testing\Binaries\HTML5\HoN_testing.temp.asm.js --total-memory=33554432 --trap-mode=clamp -O2 --mem-init=C:\Users\proff\Documents\Unreal Projects\HoN_testing\Binaries\HTML5\HoN
_testing.js.mem --mem-base=1024 --wasm-only -g --symbolmap=C:\Users\proff\Documents\Unreal Projects\HoN_testing\Binaries\HTML5\HoN_testing.js.symbols -o C:\Users\proff\Documents\Unreal Projects\HoN_testing\Binaries\HTML5\HoN_testing.wasm --mvp-features' failed (-1073740791)
LogPlayLevel: Took 876,1889275s to run UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=5
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool failed. See log for more details. (C:\Users\proff\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+UE4+UE_4.23\UBT-HoN_testing-HTML5-Development.txt)
LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=5 (5)
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Build Task, Time: 881.258440
PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Unknown Error
How i can fix it(
ALL MY .cpp and .h in this topic —>here<—](error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'UObject *' with an lvalue of type 'UStaticMesh *' - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums)