Shadows not working in mobile / mobile preview in unreal 5.2

There are no shadows while switch to mobile preview/mobile from unreal 5.2. Tried opengles2/3, vulkan.

Directional light, Spot light should have dynamic shadow even in mobile as per documentation and it’s working perfectly in 5.1. From new 5.2 In mobile/ mobile preview there is just no shadow. considering this as a bug. Anyone finding this issue too in 5.2?

**Movable directional light/ moveable spot light shadows are enable in project settings. Still its not working from ue 5.2.


I am also having the same problem, in 5.2 when testing an AR project on my iPhone

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5.2.1 hotfix released. Still not fixed.


I had the same issue but came across this: Reddit - Dive into anything - the key for me was to reduce the ‘Dynamic Shadow Distance MovableLight’ value on the directional light.

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I had the same problem on android and solved it by changing from forward shading to deferred shading in the rendering settings


deferred shading… for me this not work. UE 5.2.1

Update on this issue:

It is fixed totally in 5.3.

FOR 5.2-----------
Problem was only in preview for OpenglES. on 5.2 or previous. If you are using 5.2 then switch to Vulkan preview, it will be fine.
** It was only an issue with preview. On original device after packaging it will work just fine. Switching to Vulkan can give you an idea preview of your original device.

i enable support movabile spotlight shadow
project setting → engine → rendering → mobile shader permutation reduction → support movable spotlightshadows

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works well, i think i also had to changel lighting levels in world settings

does anyone knows how to fix this on opengl?
my target device does not support vulkan.

In Vulkan preview doesnt work for me, only with opengl
There are some fix?