So while trying to fix my original bug, somehow I ended up adding a new one onto my map. Wherever I am at while in perspective mode or testing the game is in a huge circular shadow. If I go high enough up, I can see that it is strictly a shadow centered on my location as the rest of the map is lit up fine. If in test mode, I can pull out a torch and it lights up the area fine, just no sunlight in the area around me. It’s like there’s a large ball between me and the sun no matter where I move to. However, in top down view with the map lit, there is no big circle shadow, just the normal ones from mountains, etc.
it would help us to help u to show some screen shots…
Figured it out. Somehow the y rotation on my directional light got switched. Set it back to -60 and no shadow. Now if I could get the replication thing down, I’d be all set…
whats the issue with the replication ?
The replication issue as i’be described in a couple threads involves my trees not falling on client when on a dedicated server. Works fine in single player, bit not multi player. And not just trees, bushes and rocks don’t graphically disappear when harvested although you can walk thru trees and rocks after they are broken, the image just stays.
hmm, that is odd.