i’ve compiled UE 4 in Development Editor x64 Solution Configuration. When i launch Editor it Crashes at 45% giving Error UE4-ShaderCompileWorker has Crashed. I’ve also tried rebuilding both engine and ShaderCompileWorker but it still crashing.
link text
really appreciate help
thanks in advance.
Hey -
To help give an idea of what is causing the error for you there are a couple of questions I’d like to ask. What platform are you compile for? Do you have the same error when launching another version of the engine?
Hay ,
i’m using windows 7 x64 SP1. I’ve compiled 4.6.1 it worked fine.
Hey -
I’m glad that 4.6.1 worked for you. In order to find the cause of the crash I’d like to get some additional information. When trying to use 4.7.2 you compiled the source code and then crashed at 45% when attempting to open the editor for the first time? Do you have the same crash if you try opening the binary version of 4.7.2 from the Launcher? If you can think of any differences in the process for 4.6.1 vs. 4.7.2 that too will help us understand what happened.
Hi ,
Sorry for late response. I compiled 4.7 from source code 3 times and every it crashed when i open the editor for the first time. Now I’ve downloaded the binary version of 4.7 from launcher and it is working fine. Only the compiled version is crashing.
I cannot think of any differences in the process of 4.6.1 vs 4.7.
Here is how i compiled 4.7. I cloned the repository form git then start setup.bat for dependencies after that(it completed successfully) i generate the project files and open vs 2013 community then i set UE4 as startup project. Then i right clicked UE4 project and select build to build the project. my solution configurations were Development Editor win64. I’ve also tried to build ShaderCompileWorker first and then build UE4.
One more thing, The launcher’s version is 4.7.2 and the editor version that i’ve compiled, is showing 4.7.1. I cloned release branch from git repository. am i compiling older version?
Hey -
Depending on when you downloaded the release branch it could be from before 4.7.2 was released. I was able to successfully download/install/open the release branch which was listed as 4.7.2 when I did just now. You can try downloading the branch again to get an updated version. You can also use this link: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/releases/tag/4.7.2-release to download the 4.7.2 release directly.