ShaderCompileWorker.exe/UnrealEditor.exe - Bad Image

Hi, I just installed UE5.1.0 and getting both ShaderCompileWorker.exe -Bad Image and UnrealEditor.exe - Bad Image randomly during startup


UECC-Windows-CCC682EF4EDE13FF812CAEAB00DCF129_0000.rar (117.6 KB)

I tried to verify files 2 times but, I get the same errors again.
Is there anyway that I can fix this? I would Really Appreciate It.


Im now getting this error as well and i verified files a couple of times. If i dont verify files then ill get the error on start up, If i do verify i can start the engine but adding any assets will crash the engine

I am also getting this error for both start up editor and launching game. Files have been verified and versions reinstalled; I’m on 5.1.1.

Fixed, just needed to do a windows update, found it in a different post

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There was a Windows 11 cumulative update. Had to start manually.
Did that. Verified UE.
Hasn’t crashed in 3 hours so far.

Started crashing yesterday on both 5.0.3 and 5.1.1 within minutes of use. Reinstalling didn’t help. So it was a windows update.