Shader debugging in UE5 with renderdoc

As the title says, I’m trying to do pixel debugging using renderdock. for step-by-step execution.
The problem is that in UE5 it doesn’t work. I started the project with the -d3ddebug option and I followed the documentation,
I enabled r.shaders.Symbols=1, r.shaders.ExtraData=1, r.shaders.WriteSymbols=1 but it doesn’t work.

I know r.shaders.KeepDebugInfo is deleted, but am I overlooking something? thank you!

Engine Vesion: 5.0.3
Renderdoc Version: v1.21


It’s been a while since I’ve captured a frame with RenderDoc, but just a few days ago I saw this community youtube video on the topic.

Maybe there is something he does in the video that you can catch and try.

Welcome to the forums! (btw It is possible to change your name here on the forums, but if hexadecimal identifiers are your thing that is cool too :wink: )

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Thank you!!

hi, I have tried in UE5.5, it will crash when r.Shaders.Optimize=0. If keep shader optimized, when start capture frame in UnrealEditor, the renderdoc (the latest version) will crash. Do you have any idea to debug shader by using renderdoc in UE5.5. I have tried to use PIX, it works fine for me. If possible, I desired to use renderdoc.

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