I released this update video to my Kickstarter backers on Xmas and figured I’d show case it here as well.
The goal was to replicate the process used in modern anime production but entirely in real time with UE4.
It’s a combination of an Arc System Works style material based cel shader for the characters running alongside a custom USF post processing filter that creates a painted effect. Another post processing filter was used for outlines on the background plus some stencilling for characters or objects I don’t want affected by the post process filters.
I technically could have done the character shading and outlines in the post process filters but I wanted better control over the outline and material colors. It’s hard to see but the blonde characters hair near the end is actually brown whereas the post processed outlines are black.
Characters are from the Abyssian Knights Kickstarter project that I’m still working on years later. The environment along with some of the cinematography is from a marketplace asset. The characters were a last minute addition to showcase the stencilling and were not colour adjusted as I didn’t have the time to do.