Several seller accounts were initialized without any mention. Please let me know if it is a bug or a disqualification.

Asset sales were all suspended and moved to Change Needed.
Also, there is no mention of fixing anything.
Tex information and account information were all initialized.
If only the asset is a problem, what is the reason for initializing
personal information?
It’s absurd, but the game account is fine.

Buyers who have already purchased can re-download.
New buyers cannot purchase.

I couldn’t even do the free update I prepared.

And strangely, my Seller ID was changed to ’ '.

Epic Market Place needs clarification.

I will understand if my asset is disqualified for sale, and if it is due to a bug, please resolve it ASAP

Why do I have to go through such an absurd incident over the weekend? There is no team to solve it.

epic staff may be at work in a few hours :joy:

Many of assets I have purchased and wishlist have this problem, and now epic has a reply, it seems to be a bug, thank God

I’m curious about the answer. I didn’t get an answer. Could you let me know as far as you can open it? :smiley: