Theres alot asked here but ill try and atleast point you in roughly the correct location.
You might want to try dragging off from your “ball” and type force, select the add force node, make sure the ball has both physics enabled and collision.
From past experience ive had alot of trouble with add force, sometimes ive literally added a force of 1 million just to get it moving so dont be affraid to increase it.
Another way could be using the ball as a projectile, i suggest checking out the first person blueprint template and look at the projectile blueprint on how it works.
and lastly you might want to look into physics materials, these are great for making your object bounce, you should be able to find pleanty of documentation on youtube on that.
Sorry if this isn’t any help at all but best of luck.
I have tried using the physics materials, but this have not worked as i would expect. I gave the floor and the ball a restitution to one and zero friction, so i would expect that ball with applied physics will bounce of forever. But the wall gained more and more momenentum, so it bounces higher and higher.
I will checkout the firstperson sample and see how the projectile thing works.