Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately it didn’t solve the issue. The collective group of blueprints are still dirty and compiling only crashes the project.
While I can get inside of the Blueprint I am unable to verify the details of the error. Upon opening a blueprint related to my issue, it is flagged as dirty and the Compiler Results window is empty.
Normally I would compile to get the information of the error to show up in the Compiler Results, but it causes a crash instead. Hence the original error.
Can you restore from auto save? Go to Project folder > Save > Auto Save > Game copy corrupted files and paste content folder.
Hey Everyone,
Has anyone else had this situation?
So I opened my project this morning and I was greeted with several blueprints causing errors.
As you can see most of which are widgets, a Game mode, and my main character parent. The errors in each of them seem to be in reference to the main character parent (PGV_Main).
However, when I compile any of these blueprints the engine crashes. T_T
Crash Report Info:
Anyone got any ideas?
Can you get inside one of your blueprints which is related with your issue and tell us what you get as error.
Gathered more information on the issue…
- So it seems to be that all the Widgets have broken reference to the animation that I built for them. As per, the issue compiling only crashes, but If I create a new animation the references now appear in the event graph, and that blueprint can now compile.
- In regards to point 1. Upon closing and re opening the editor all of the widgets return to their broken state.
- OF FURTHER INTEREST>I am developing this game with my partner using an SVN. His copy of the project is working fine. He created a new project on the SVN which I downloaded. Meaning, we both now have the exact same project files, however the same problem persist on my end with his retaining functionality.
Hey, I attempted to replace all of the affected blueprints with the auto backups (not all had backups available though). But now the editor crashes on launch.
After further experimentation, using my secondary computer, I downloaded ue4, and grabbed an identical copy from our SVN of the project and it works fine. So it must be a local problem on my primary PC.
Has anyone experienced this issue, I wonder if it could perhaps be a registry issue.
Solved the problem. I acquired a new computer. Kidding aside, due to the discovery of the project working on other machines but having issues on mine. Therefore problems existed on my machine’s hardware.