Seven Thirty

Seven Thirty

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:



My contributions:

  • Lighting
  • Prop and Environment modelling (UE4 and Maya)
  • Compositions/cameras
  • Sequencing

Other resources:

Progress Screenshots:


My name’s Ed, I’m a Product Manager and Visual Design Specialist based in the UK.

I periodically dabble in cinematics and narratives through the use of light in Unreal Engine, but invariably fail to maintain motivation for sufficient time to realise any such work to a standard above - ‘meh’. Thank you to Epic Games for imposing a level of discipline clearly beyond my own volition and in turn, forcing me to do something productive with my spare time other than fail at Ultra-Nightmare runs of Doom Eternal (bloody Gargoyles).

The relevance of my submission to the theme is through the use of light to convey both the passage of time and its ability to freeze that with which it engages; shafts of luminescence from the outside world spin like the hands of a clock, while static blocks within hold everything they touch a trance. Or something? I don’t know. To be honest, I just started running with the concrete pit idea and low key light approach before really considering the theme in depth, so anything I say now is little more than a feeble attempt to retroactively shoehorn something vaguely resembling a creative thought process.

Maybe 3 days development time in total, spread across mornings before work and evenings when I’m supposed to be redecorating our hallway. Materials and polish are severely lacking but generally happy with the compositions and atmosphere. The final submission was exported using Adobe Premiere because I didn’t get the music mix until leaving to work away from home and my laptop doesn’t like rendering graphics. The raw, uncompressed export from UE is available here for validation: Dropbox

Made in UE4 because my 9 year old rig has an asthma attack if I so much as click ‘download’ on UE5.

Engine version:

UE 4.26


Hey! I really like your video… concept, music/sound, framing, everything! Even the description was worth a read ^^.

And my not-so-new-ish PC empathizes with yours as well, my GTX 1060’s fans were screaming in pain whenever I hit the render button for my entry xD.

[Sorry for my english] and I wish you good luck in the competition!


I like the unique touch of your scene, it’s just so impressive to see what other creative minds did with their interpretations, good job!


This is amazing. Really beautifully thought out and executed.
I love the semi abstract nature of it.
Excellent work.

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Sorry for my ignorance in not responding, I didn’t expect anyone to have an interest in my submission so haven’t been checking the forums - this was a lovely surprise and I massively appreciate all of your responses.

@TheCreativeRoach - I hear you! I’m running a GTX 980 and running UE on an SSD that has maybe 10GB free at any given time?? If it only siezes up every 5 minutes ()rather than 10) I consider myself lucky. We must suffer for our work! Glad you enjoyed the description.

@Yazzin - Thanks, appreciated!

@mindseed - Thanks. I really wanted to give equal attention to the light, concept, composition and world so everything felt part of a single concept. I think a drawback of how powerful UE’s lighting and rendering is, is that it’s too easy to create something that looks great without needing to think about what it’s doing on a deeper level. I really wanted to avoid this feeling hollow, which I think came through in the end, so thanks!


I just took another look.

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I love it…Y did you name it seven thirty?