SetWorldLocationAndRotation node sets wrong value?

I want to set the SpringArm’s transform.

only the rotationY value is correct, other values are confused. lotationY -3.56 set to locationX. why?

By default, the rotation of a spring arm is relative


You could use ‘set relative rotation’?

I have tryed SetRelativeLocationAndRotation node, but it does’t work :cry:

check teleport, maybe there is something in the middle that blocks it to reach the location

I took the standard third person, and put this in to increase the height on the swing arm

It works fine :slight_smile:


I try again. SetRelativeLocationAndRotation can work. but in another project, SetWorldLocationAndRotation can work. the difference butween them is BP_character root transform.

Yes, you can do exactly the same thing, but using GetRelativeLocation and adding to it, and then calling SetRelativeLocation.

Did you develop that whole interface I see there? If it’s a product, there may be other code holding the spring arm in place…