after reading every manual on helix core (perforce) and synology I could find for about 2 weeks, I still can’t figure out how to submit files to a network drive in P4V (perforce visual client).
I have a Win10 workstation with the perforce server and the visual client installed. Furthermore I can access a shared folder on my network drive (local Synology NAS - DS224+ connected via LAN) via SMB. Everything works so far.
The problem is: I can’t submit any file to a depot, when I set the path to be the shared folder (ue5_depot).
I always get the error:
mkdir: //vault/ue5_depot/: The user name or password is incorrect.
Submit aborted – fix problems then use ‘p4 submit -c 3’.
So as far as I understand, perforce has no access to the server, although I can access it from my windows account just fine.
In the manual for perforce its said: " the Helix Core Server installer […] requests a valid combination of userid and password at the time of installation", when you try to install the perforce server on a network drive.
Does anyone know how to set this username and password after installation?
As expected, creating a user with the same name and password doesn’t seem to cut it.
And I don’t really want to install the whole perforce server on the NAS. Mostly because I’m too stubborn to give up putting just the depot on a network drive.
Hi! I also used to encounter an error every time I tried to submit files. Not sure if it’s the same error though. Nonetheless, I managed to solve my issue by contacting Perforce. They have one of the BEST technical supports I’ve ever seen! (and I wasn’t even a customer yet) They replied my mails back almost instantly and they even offered to make a quick zoom meeting to solve my issues. (I just wanted to mention how nice they were, so please don’t request that yourself, assuming you’re entitled to it) To save time, you can explain to them that you saw reports online stating that some people have issues on submitting due to a trigger, and requires a Python file named “CheckListTrigger” being removed from your remote computer to resolve the issue. At least that was the root problem of my issue. But they said that it’s not about something I did, and it’s a system problem. So that might be what’s going on in your case as well. Hope this helps
Btw I just remembered that error message you sent wasn’t the same with what I encountered. I would say check users but that doesn’t make any sense because… how can you even launch P4V if your username / password is invalid Anyways so it’s probably a different issue than what I faced but still, I think you’ll be able to solve it by contacting Perforce
This is a super necro answer, BUT I had this problem too now and I’ve found nowhere a direct answer for the solution, so after I’ve solved it, I post it here if anyone has this problem in the future it won’t take a day or two to solve it for them like me, instead it will take like five minutes after googling it.
So the core of the problem is that the Helix Core server app that runs in Windows doesn’t have the credentials to access the network drive you have set up. It is using the default System account instead your custom windows account, which you use to access the network drive with a NAS account.
What you have to do is add your windows user account credentials to the program via Windows Services. Open Task Manager, look for ‘Perforce’, right click and Open Services. Here you look for ‘Helix Core Server’, right click, Properties and on the ‘Log On’ tab choose ‘This account:’ and with browse add your windows account you use and the password. With this it works flawlessly.
I did this after I’ve installed the program giving the P4ROOT a local drive so I could see that it at least runs, then I added my windows account and after that I have changed the P4ROOT in win cmd line running in administrator mode:
‘p4 set -S “Perforce” P4ROOT=\NASName\SharedNASFolder’
where after ‘=’ is your preferred mapped network drive or shared network folder.
After that I’ve gone back to the Task Manager/Service and started the Perforce app and if it worked, it will stay running.
Now you could just give the network drive at the install and let it stop with an error. You can still find the program in the services and do the above and it should work.
This is exactly what I was looking for - thank you for the necro!
An additional tip, if you need to find the exact right path to your NAS:
Open up cmd line and run “net use > mapped_drives.txt”. It will dump the exact strings you need into a text file for you.