Setup Hair Physics for Gaming

Hi All,

I am trying to transfer hair grooms from Blender’s new system into Unreal Engine and I struggle with the physics. Copying the setup of MetaHumans the results are just far too unnatural. Even in the Unreal Docs, the physics are just weird and not natural. Hair Simulation and Rendering Quick Start Guide in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation (video at the very end)

Is there a way to smooth the hair physics? I.e. that when the character turns the head, the hair doesn’t fly away with force like being punched, but smoothly falls into that direction? Can I “slow down” the physics somehow? Make them less “drastic” but still natural? (Changing the Bending Constraints creates less movement but also a higher stiffness of the hair which is trading one devil for another…)

Any help is appreciated!

Hi !
I’m having the exact same issue, did u find any good physics settings since then ?


I started converging the value of “Gravity Vector” (Z-Axis) towards 0 (in plain English: Set the value from -981 to something around 0) and instead using the “Air Drag” which significantly speeds up the physics “go-back-to-normal-state” process.

I am quite satisfied with the results even though there is a glitch where some hair strands freeze in the middle of the simulation and won’t revert back to normal unless another simulation is triggered. Most likely this is due to some collision error but I couldn’t reproduce this error reliably…

(Very bad) Video of my current simulation settings in action:

Settings in Detail


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