Setup default categories for BP variables (by editing source code?)

Hi All,

I got used to categorize my BP variables in a certain way and got pretty tired of just typing in the same 5 category names for every new BP Class I am creating. Is there a way to add some categories by default to certain BP classes? Like when I create a new uninherited BP, I can assign any variable to one of the 6 categories (my 5 + default) instead of having to create these categories from scratch every time?

I was thinking about manipulating the source code, but I don’t know where the BP defaults are saved.

Also, are there any (performance related) aspects that indicate having “empty variable categories” is a bad idea? In case I am actually not assigning a variable to one of my default categories i.e. the custom category exists with no variables in it?

Any help is appreciated!

Hmmm… interesting. Well, it depends on what you mean by creating ‘a new uninherited BP’. What types are your BPs usually? Actor? ActorComponent?
Your best bet is to do something in code, create your own custom type (of Actor or Component or whatever), and then define the categories there, so that anything else you derive from there have those categories as well. However, I think you’d have to at least define one variable for each category for it to appear. Not sure if this would work without at least something belonging to each category.

If you only work with BPs then do the same with BPs. Create an Actor BP, define the default categories (and variables), and then always use that for new BPs.

But… as you may have guessed, you’d have to do this for every single UE type (Actor, Component, GameMode, whatever). Unless you compile the engine, and somehow embed other categories further up the hierarchy… like UObject maybe (but that’s pretty advanced stuff, I wouldn’t even know where to begin there).