Hi, i’ve been trying to build a fresh ue 5.1.1 release from source, when running the Setup.bat im facing an issue:
Checking dependencies...
Updating dependencies: 0% (0/97340)...
Failed to download 'https://cdn.unrealengine.com/dependencies/UnrealEngine-11447123-52802068b7db445d94de6cd13d574a02/00ba053f58ab8d00cf41519fd27d8059d397a4fb': InvalidDataException: The archive entry was compressed using an unsupported compression method.
I’ve tried several way using git, zip, url to https rather than http, adding all .net from 3.5 to lastest i’ve no more idea, does anyone know whats going on ?
I’ve switch to 5.2 and the dependencies are being downloaded, is the 5.1.1-release down ?