Settings conflict

Good evening,

i have HUD with two buttons.

One loads the level A
One loads the level B

Level A is composed only with static cameras
Level B is composed only with one BP_FirstPersonCharacter

World Settings gamemod is setted with “BP_BP_FirstPersonCharacter”

Input are also configurated.

I think the problem is from the levelB blueprint but i cannot find a way to tell him to use the mouse for movement.

Hi, one thing that is blocking your inputs for FristPerson camera is that you use SetInputModeUIOnly. As the same says, only UI (widgets) can read your inputs. If you want a pawn or a character to read your inputs you need to set to to GameOnly or GameAndUI.

thanks for the step forward something more like this?

mouse still locked… i keep looking

Yes, I meant exactly this. Something else that comes to my mind… is your BP_FirstPersonCharacter possessed by the player controller?
In level World Outliner you can find your BP_FirstPersonCharacter and in DetailsPanel there will be AutoPossessPlayer - set this to Player 0.


Or just call Possess directly from controller if you prefer.


it works, thank you very much, i’ve setted to player 0

but i have no idea who you got this posses node

Great that it works :slight_smile: to get that node take cable directly from GetPlayerController node, then you will have access to PlayerController functions.

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